Shamanic Healing and Spiritual Empowerment
for those who came to believe they weren’t good enough, who are exhausted from taking responsibility for other people’s problems, and who are done armoring their hearts against love.
Paula Rosenfeld
Shamanic Practitioner, Clairvoyant, and Spiritual Empowerment Coach
Paula has worked with over 2,000 people (and pets!) and is known for her ability to create profound, long-lasting shifts in her clients’ lives.
Since 1992, she has integrated several different healing modalities into her practice, studied in India, became a published author, and led thousands of shamanic journeys, meditations, and group events.
Paula’s primary modality, the ancient practice of shamanic soul retrieval and extraction, supports reconnection to one’s innate spiritual wholeness and power.
“I can’t think of any other period of my life when there has been greater transformation.”
– J. N., Chicago, IL
“Paula is a gifted Shaman of the highest integrity.”
– M.A.S., Chicago, IL
“A deep level healing that transcends western traditional medicine and therapy.”